Changes that I have made in my final adverts

When I was in the production stage of my adverts, I had numerous problems in making my TV adverts. The video below shows the changes I had to make when I was in this stage:

Luckily from the feedback that I got from my final idea I was able to figure out what I needed to do to ensure that everything was sorted. For example:
  • What happens if you do not have the spinning equipment to help put together your advert?
If I cannot procure the spinning equipment that I need to help put together my advert, I will have to reconsider and compromise with the equipment I have got. For example, I would change certain scenes to have the same effect on the audience. For example, if I cannot do the spinning effect that I would like, I will therefore change it up by balancing 2 Oreos on a box and create a spinning effect. This is a change that I will need to consider if there isn't anything that I can do about the spinning equipment. 
  • How are you going to make sure that your adverts is not going to infringe upon legal and ethical considerations? 
Before I start my production stage, I will need to ensure that I read the regulators such as ASA, Ofcom and BBFC. This is because I will be able to ensure that I understand what can and cannot be done. This will save time when I am in the production stage as I will be aware what I can and cannot do. 

There is an image below showing that I had to research what these regulators had said about what can be and what cannot be in my adverts:

Changes that I have made in my final adverts

When I was in the production stage of my adverts, I had numerous problems in making my TV adverts. The video below shows the changes I had t...