Initial notes on chocolate bars

Unit 20 Task 1 P2

Cadbury Caramel

Description of packaging. 

The chocolate design that has a creative simple look. It has a colour scheme. The design has a picture of a caramel which is attracting different customers. This means that it is open to different audiences which is good for Cadbury. 


"I was right in the middle of a Carmelo when I found gold". - This slogan shows that there is a secret ingredient within the chocolate. This can attract younger generations as they want to find out the what the taste is like and what they mean by "I found gold." 

Previous Advert

The previous advert is created in 2007 and it displays a bunny who tries to sell the chocolate to the beaver and the audience who are watching it. The advert shows the chocolate in action and how it has a caramel flavour in the middle of it. This shows to the audience what the chocolate is made up of and what type of taste it has. 

Luxury? On the go? Everyday? 

This chocolate bar is advertised for luxury purposes. This is because the caramel oozes out and has a unique taste. Generally caramel has a unique and sweet taste which is used for luxury products. Therefore, this is a luxury product that is advertised. 

Potential Target Audience?

I think that this product should be targeted towards the older generation aged at 25 years or over. This is because this taste of the product is very different. I would say that the younger generation don't have as developed taste buds which could lead to them not enjoying the chocolate. 

Cadbury White Oreo

Description of packaging.

The chocolate bar is made up of two colours: Purple and white. This is a good idea and can be appealing to all audiences as they want to combine both elements to show cross media promotion. This then allows the audiences to reconcile with the product as there are two companies that they can relate to. 


 "Creamy white chocolate with Oreo biscuit pieces." - This slogan shows that there are bits of Oreo that is implanted into the chocolate. The slogan also states that there is a white chocolate. This is appealing to some audiences as there is a certain amount of people that like white chocolate. 

Previous advert.

There isn't an advert available for this product. However, this still is a good product. Due to the ad not being available there are other ways to send this to audiences. This can be done by billboards that are going to attract attention. 

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

This product is on the go. This is because the chocolate is basic and has two main elements that everyone seems to enjoy. Therefore, more people are more attracted to this product as it is easy to have when travelling and has a good taste as well. 

Potential Target Audience?

In my opinion I think that this product should be targeted to teenagers/young adults. This is because the teenagers and young adults like Oreos and like the white chocolate that comes with it. Although white chocolate is unpopular in these ages, the Oreo adds more flavour that could make audiences like them more. 

Cadbury Dairy Milk (Oreo)

Description of packaging.

The packaging itself contains a simple colourful scheme: purple and blue. This is helpful for audiences as they can see the overall brands that are joint together. The packaging also contains two main ingredients that will make audiences chose because it is tasty and is not too powerful. 


The slogan states "Twice the joy". This means that there are two elements that means that there is more flavour inside the chocolate. Therefore, this also shows that customers are more attracted to this chocolate as this product has more to offer.  

Previous advert.

The previous advert that was released shows elements of synergy. This is because there is an Oreo that comes in and goes into the milk chocolate. This is a good advert as it shows different companies to come together and create a better product that customers will enjoy. 

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

This product can be for every day. This is because it has ingredients that are simple and enjoyable for all customers. Moreover, this can lead to customers buying more of it. Also this product has two main elements that bring the whole chocolate together. 

Potential Target Audience?

In my opinion this chocolate is for everyone. This is because it is a simple but elegant chocolate that isn't too luxurious for customers. This should be highly recommended to everyone as the ingredients are very tasty and basic. 

Cadbury Dairy Milk

Description of packaging.

The packaging of this product has only one colour, this is because this is the main chocolate that Cadbury produces. This colour of the chocolate is purple. Therefore, this is essential for customers to know this product is the main one that everyone will enjoy. 


The slogan states "Taste like this feels". This shows to the customers that this chocolate will taste as it feels. This is not false advertising as it only contains one major flavour: milk chocolate. Therefore, this is an accurate but simple slogan for customers to understand. 

Previous advert.

This previous advert is based in Canada. However, this advert clearly shows what the product does. It is also appealing for younger generations because the adverts have aliens. Therefore, more customers are drawn into this. 

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

In terms of this product, we can see that this is a everyday product. This is because it is a very easy chocolate to have on the go. This chocolate also has elements of luxury however, this chocolate is supposed to have an original taste. 

Potential Target Audience?

I think that this product should be for everyone. This is because this chocolate bar is supposed to be advertised as an original. Therefore, this should be advertised for everyone including children and adults. 

Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations

Description of packaging.

The package itself as a vibrant colour scheme which is essential for customers to be attracted to it. Out of all the different chocolates, this is the one where this one would need to have a more vibrant colour scheme because this one has party feels when you take a bite of the chocolate. 


This chocolate states "a party in every bite". This means that within every bite you take in this chocolate, every customer will feel a pop in their mouths just like a party. After having a taste of the chocolate, I can see why they have stated this. 

Previous advert.

This advert is a very fun one. Out of all of these chocolate bars, this is the most party feeling one. Once again this is because this chocolate is supposed to have a excitement every time customers take a bite of the chocolate. 

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

I believe that this product should be luxury chocolate. This is because it has unique flavours that will make the product unique. Especially for children it needs to be a luxury treat, However adults could have it on the go. 

Potential Target Audience?

I think this product should be targeted to ages that are younger specifically aged at 7 to 12. This is because this chocolate has a pop taste to it. This means that children are more drawn to this rather then adults. 

Advertising an introduction

Unit 20 Task 1 P1

What is an advert?

An advert is a digital way of releasing an early version of a media product. This is a modern method of releasing an early version of a product because technology is evolving and more people across the world have access to it.  

What is the advertising campaign?

An advertising campaign is a series of events that takes place that continues to have the same goal. This is a long-term source of campaigning as it impacts the company in a good way. This is because throughout the advertising campaign it reaches a large group of people which will help as it can benefit the purchasing of a product. 

What different mediums can adverts appear in?

Advertisements can be used on all mediums. This means that it can reach a large group of audiences and is accessible to everyone across the world. Some examples of where mediums can be used for adverts are: tv, radio, print and web. 

What is the main purpose of an advert?

The main purpose of an advert is spreading the word and reaching a large audience about the product that is going to be released. 

An example of an advert

This is a good example of an advert that is successful. This is because it has a clear objective and aim. This makes it easier for audiences to understand. Therefore, this can create awareness of Cadbury and makes the overall company good. This also is appealing to audiences for children as they can have an idea of what to get for their mum's birthday. This creates a clear objective of the advertisement and therefore it has a simple meaning behind it. This can increase the amount of money that Cadbury makes as it is on TV which can reach a large audience.  

Changes that I have made in my final adverts

When I was in the production stage of my adverts, I had numerous problems in making my TV adverts. The video below shows the changes I had t...