Final Pitch For Final Idea Video + Reflection


Before making my adverts I conducted final pitch for my final idea. When coming to the end of my pitch, there were a number of questions that had been asked about my adverts. They were the following:
  • If you were to reconsider your option of promoting your adverts on BCC (Due to the channel not being suitable for adverts like this) what channel would you choose to portray your adverts?
Due to my target audience being aged 16-24 year olds, I have decided to change up the channels that I am going to use to promote my adverts. The channels that I am going to use are Gold and ITV. This is because the target audience are using these channels to consume content. This means that it will be easier for me to promote my adverts with these channels so that I can ensure that I can maximise my exposure for my target audience. 
  • What happens if you do not have the spinning equipment to help put together your advert?
If I cannot procure the spinning equipment that I need to help put together my advert, I will have to reconsider and compromise with the equipment I have got. For example, I would change certain scenes to have the same effect on the audience. For example, if I cannot do the spinning effect that I would like, I will therefore change it up by balancing 2 Oreos on a box and create a spinning effect. This is a change that I will need to consider if there isn't anything that I can do about the spinning equipment. 
  • How are you going to use the green screen to make your TV advert better?
Compared to other adverts, they are usually filmed in the city. For that reason, I would like to create a new USP by utilising the greenscreen to change the colours of the background. This will help my TV advert stand out from the rest of the adverts and could increase the reputation of Cadbury. 
  • How are you going to make sure that your adverts is not going to infringe upon legal and ethical considerations? 
Before I start my production stage, I will need to ensure that I read the regulators such as ASA, Ofcom and BBFC. This is because I will be able to ensure that I understand what can and cannot be done. This will save time when I am in the production stage as I will be aware what I can and cannot do. 

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