Location Recess

 Location Recess.

What ideas do you have on where you are going to film?

When choosing a location to film, there are a variety of places to film this. Some are:

Inside. (But will be on a green screen)

In the actual school. 

In the city of London.

In a garage.

Why have you chosen these locations and how does it help the audience relate to the chocolate bar?

The reasons why I have chosen these locations is that: 
  • When filming inside, I have access to the green screen. This will help me as the background of the chocolate can be anything I would like it to be. This can help me as I can save time and resources. 
  • When I am filming in the actual school, this can help the younger audience relate to the chocolate bar advert more. The overall message of the chocolate bar is to have a snack on the go but also has a combination of a variety of flavours and shows synergy. This is why this could be a good location to film in.

  • When filming in the city of London, this can make the overall advert more interesting. This is due to  the audience being filled with suspense. This will make them intrigued and therefore gain an interest in the advert. Therefore the overall audience can increase and therefore the success of the rebranding of the chocolate bar can be more efficient. 
  • However when filming in a garage could be a good idea. This is can means that more customers and audiences can be drawn into this. The reason for this is that they maybe able to relate to the creation of the Oreo and Cadbury collaborating, because Steve Jobs worked on the original iPhone in a garage. Therefore it will be more appealing to audiences as they knew Steve Jobs and can relate to the chocolate bar advert. 

What are the differences of the locations to make the chocolate bar advert?

There are a variety of differences of the chosen locations. Some are:
  • 2 of the locations are outside and the other 2 are inside.
  • 1 of the locations requires a green screen whereas the rest of them don't need them. 
  • Each location has a different meaning.
  • Each location has a different and unique message to address different audiences. 

What is your final ideal location to film this chocolate bar advert?

I think for the final idea I will be combining 2 of the locations I have discussed. This is because this will help both audiences understand and get attracted to the advert. The 2 locations I have chosen is filming inside with the green screen and the location of the city of London. This is because my advert wants to show the ingredients of the chocolate bar and show elements of synergy, which will help show the collaboration of the 2 companies. Therefore I can also use the green screen to be any background I would like. The reason why I have chosen to film in the city of London is to ensure that every audience is being attracted not just 1 generation. 

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