
Flat plan for print campaign

 Flat plan for print campaign

TV Advert


Radio Advert


Final Pitch For Final Idea Video + Reflection


Before making my adverts I conducted final pitch for my final idea. When coming to the end of my pitch, there were a number of questions that had been asked about my adverts. They were the following:
  • If you were to reconsider your option of promoting your adverts on BCC (Due to the channel not being suitable for adverts like this) what channel would you choose to portray your adverts?
Due to my target audience being aged 16-24 year olds, I have decided to change up the channels that I am going to use to promote my adverts. The channels that I am going to use are Gold and ITV. This is because the target audience are using these channels to consume content. This means that it will be easier for me to promote my adverts with these channels so that I can ensure that I can maximise my exposure for my target audience. 
  • What happens if you do not have the spinning equipment to help put together your advert?
If I cannot procure the spinning equipment that I need to help put together my advert, I will have to reconsider and compromise with the equipment I have got. For example, I would change certain scenes to have the same effect on the audience. For example, if I cannot do the spinning effect that I would like, I will therefore change it up by balancing 2 Oreos on a box and create a spinning effect. This is a change that I will need to consider if there isn't anything that I can do about the spinning equipment. 
  • How are you going to use the green screen to make your TV advert better?
Compared to other adverts, they are usually filmed in the city. For that reason, I would like to create a new USP by utilising the greenscreen to change the colours of the background. This will help my TV advert stand out from the rest of the adverts and could increase the reputation of Cadbury. 
  • How are you going to make sure that your adverts is not going to infringe upon legal and ethical considerations? 
Before I start my production stage, I will need to ensure that I read the regulators such as ASA, Ofcom and BBFC. This is because I will be able to ensure that I understand what can and cannot be done. This will save time when I am in the production stage as I will be aware what I can and cannot do. 

Amended pitch for final idea

Final Pitch For Final Idea

Legal and Ethical Considerations with my final pitch

Legal and ethical issues.
Before making my advert there are various legal and ethical issues that mut be considered. When advertising in the U.K there are a range of laws that need to be met in order to have a successful advert. When I am producing advertisements, some issues that I need to take into consideration are the following:
  • An accurate description of the product or service 
  • Legal - Making sure that the advert is showing all the criteria. 
  • Decent - Whether the advert is worth showing.
  • Truthful/honest - Whether the content is telling the truth or not.
  • Socially responsible - Meaning that it will show only legal behaviour not illegal behaviour. 
Another law that is needed to be considered is The Consumer Protection Act. Within this law producers such as myself need to keep this into consideration, For example within this law should not:
  • Include false or deceptive messages
  • Leaving out important information
  • Using aggressive sales techniques 
In advertising there are also specific requirements for products. Such as:
  • Food
  • Alcohol 
  • Beauty products
  • Environmentally friendly products 
  • Medicines 
  • Tabacco 
All of these requirements for the project is needed as producers need to be careful when they are advertising their products. 

There are different types of advertising codes of practice:
  • The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) - This covers all non-broadcasting advertising.  
  • The Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice code (BCAP) - These covers all broadcasting advertising.
Regulatory bodies 
When looking at the regulatory bodies I know that I need to consider what bodies I need to use and implement when addressing my adverts. Some examples of this are the following:
  • ASA - Advertising Standards Authority 
  • Ofcom
  • The British Board of Film Classification 

Below is a small and overall summary of legal and ethical considerations I have in my final pitch: 


Risk Assessment



Risk Rating


Having equipment lying around and could trip over it.


Tidy the equipment and safely store it away to reduce injuries

Other students can come into the room while filming with the green screen


Place a sign on the door to ensure that students know that I am filming my adverts 

The background of the green screen may not be cleaned and can affect the filming and editing process


I will need to check the green screen in the morning before shooting my advert. This will allow me to ensure that it is possible to film efficiently. 

Crew List



Crew Members



Camera operator





Milli/Harleen - Music

Cast List



Crew Members



Camera operator





Milli/Harleen - Music



Radio and shooting (TV Advertisement) script

Story Title: Cadbury Dairy Milk & Oreo - “Twice the joy”















Narrative: Have you tasted Oreo biscuits? 

Narrative: Have you tried Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar?

Narrative: Well, I have good news......

Narrative: There is a new product available which provides you with the energy you need. 

Narrative: This product is called the Dairy Milk Oreo. 

Narrative: This beautiful product will bring together two flavours that will allow you to have the best of both worlds. 

Narrative: It is available now nationwide...

Narrative: What's stopping you. Go and try it out now.

Narrative: It's "Twice the joy"

During this radio advert there are not going to be much visual effects. This is due to the advert going to be on the radio and will only project the voice. Therefore when it comes to FX there is not going to be much effect. However when referring to the music elements, there are going to be some. This helps the audience get more attracted to the advert and make them go and pick up the chocolate. 

During this advert there are going to be elements of music. This is because it is needed in my opinion so that the audience is kept engaged. Therefore I am going to use the music from a certain video that Cadbury has used. I will reference that at the end. 

Shooting (TV Advertisement) Script.

Cadbury Dairy Milk & Oreo - “Twice the joy”


Shot No.


Shot Type




Sound notes (music, dialogue, VO, sound effects)

Description of Action & Character Notes

Titles: Graphics & Supers

Lighting Notes

Location & Prop notes




Knee level shot 


10 seconds 

 Voice over asking rhetorical questions about the chocolate bar.

The music will be used from the previous advert, if not then I will be creating my own.

The dialogue has been made myself.

During this scene there will be the prop of the chocolate bar that will be displayed in the centre of the camera shot. It will be circulating around so that customers can see what the chocolate bar is going to look like.

The voiceover will be using the script provided to help get the message across.  

The graphics of the video will be in 4K resolution.

There is not going to be supers until the end of the advert.  

It is going to have a flash bang effect to attract the audience  

The location will be in school but will be using the green screen to find the perfect background when editing.

The props will be the chocolate bar, this means that I will need to purchase the chocolate bar for it to be used in the production of the advert.




Knee level shot


 10 seconds

 Voice over talks about the main ingredients of the chocolate bar.

The music will be used from the previous advert, if not then I will be creating my own.

The dialogue has been made myself.

During the next scene, the chocolate bar is going to be in the middle but not moving around. Instead of this the chocolate bars main ingredients will be colliding into the chocolate bar.  

The voiceover will be saying the main ingredients in the chocolate bar while the colliding is taking place.

The graphics of the video will be in 4K resolution.  

There is not going to be supers until the end of the advert. 

 It is going to shine on the chocolate bar in the middle

The location will be in school but will be using the green screen to find the perfect background when editing.

The props will be the chocolate bar and the ingredients. I will need to get the ingredients and will need to get some equipment to store them and prevent them from doing any damage.




Bird eyes shot


 10 seconds

 Voice over talking about where you can get the chocolate bar from.

The music will be used from the previous advert, if not then I will be creating my own.

The dialogue has been made myself.

Finally in this last scene the chocolate bar will be thrown on to the floor surrounded by other chocolate bars to show the new collection to the Cadbury family.  

This is where the voiceover will end but will say the key message of the chocolate bar. This is “twice the joy”

The graphics of the video will be in 4K resolution.

Supers will be placed here. This will source all the legal information and where anything used from another source will be referenced.


 It is going to project its light on everything from the birds eye view angle.

The location will be in school but the background will be surrounded by other chocolate bars that are produced by Cadbury.

All I need to do is to purchase those chocolate bars to get the full effect.

The dialogue/script which will be used for the TV advertisement

Narrative: Have you tasted Oreo biscuits? 

Narrative: Have you tried Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar?

Narrative: Well, I have good news......

Narrative: There is a new product available which provide you with the energy you need. 

Narrative: This product has a variety of flavours. 

Narrative: From cocoa butter, to milk, glucose syrup, milk chocolate and Oreo

Narrative: It is available now nationwide...

Narrative: What's stopping you. Go and try it out now.

Narrative: It's "Twice the joy" 

Location Recess

 Location Recess.

What ideas do you have on where you are going to film?

When choosing a location to film, there are a variety of places to film this. Some are:

Inside. (But will be on a green screen)

In the actual school. 

In the city of London.

In a garage.

Why have you chosen these locations and how does it help the audience relate to the chocolate bar?

The reasons why I have chosen these locations is that: 
  • When filming inside, I have access to the green screen. This will help me as the background of the chocolate can be anything I would like it to be. This can help me as I can save time and resources. 
  • When I am filming in the actual school, this can help the younger audience relate to the chocolate bar advert more. The overall message of the chocolate bar is to have a snack on the go but also has a combination of a variety of flavours and shows synergy. This is why this could be a good location to film in.

  • When filming in the city of London, this can make the overall advert more interesting. This is due to  the audience being filled with suspense. This will make them intrigued and therefore gain an interest in the advert. Therefore the overall audience can increase and therefore the success of the rebranding of the chocolate bar can be more efficient. 
  • However when filming in a garage could be a good idea. This is can means that more customers and audiences can be drawn into this. The reason for this is that they maybe able to relate to the creation of the Oreo and Cadbury collaborating, because Steve Jobs worked on the original iPhone in a garage. Therefore it will be more appealing to audiences as they knew Steve Jobs and can relate to the chocolate bar advert. 

What are the differences of the locations to make the chocolate bar advert?

There are a variety of differences of the chosen locations. Some are:
  • 2 of the locations are outside and the other 2 are inside.
  • 1 of the locations requires a green screen whereas the rest of them don't need them. 
  • Each location has a different meaning.
  • Each location has a different and unique message to address different audiences. 

What is your final ideal location to film this chocolate bar advert?

I think for the final idea I will be combining 2 of the locations I have discussed. This is because this will help both audiences understand and get attracted to the advert. The 2 locations I have chosen is filming inside with the green screen and the location of the city of London. This is because my advert wants to show the ingredients of the chocolate bar and show elements of synergy, which will help show the collaboration of the 2 companies. Therefore I can also use the green screen to be any background I would like. The reason why I have chosen to film in the city of London is to ensure that every audience is being attracted not just 1 generation. 

Rationale for chosen idea

Rationale for chosen idea.

For the final idea, I have decided to create an advert where the chocolate bar is in the centre of the screen. Around the chocolate bar will be a green screen which will help me as the background can be whatever I want it to be. Furthermore, in the video, the camera will be placed on the moving stand and ingredients of the chocolate bar. This will inform the audience about what the chocolate bar contains. This will occur throughout the advert. There will also be a voiceover, which will announce the ingredients of the chocolate bar. During the ending there will be a background of the chocolate bar and states the slogan "Deliciously creamy Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate packed with soft vanilla flavour filling and crunchy Oreo pieces - snap off a bite of biscuity bliss!"

History of the Cadbury Oreo chocolate bar

 History of the Cadbury Oreo Chocolate bar 

What product have I chosen and why?

The product that I have chosen to produce the adverts for TV and radio is the Cadbury Oreo chocolate bar. The reason why I have chosen this product to create the adverts is due to the flavours they bring to
the audiences. Furthermore, this product is the combination of 2 products that audiences love to have. This product clearly has an element of synergy. This means that I can get twice as much of the audiences to be watching this advert.

When did Cadbury first launch the product? 

Cadbury released the Oreo chocolate bar in early August 2017. This product was first released in India and then gradually expanded worldwide. A reason for this can be that India has a big population. This
meant that the feedback that Cadbury got determined if the product was a success or not. However, due to the rebranding, this chocolate bar has been relaunched continuously over the last few years. 

Who do you think is the audience for the product?

I think that the product is a simple basic product that audiences can have on the go and is a enjoyable chocolate bar. I think that this product is targeted for ages from 10-40. The reason why I think this is
because this product is a combination of various flavours that is enjoyed by these specific ages. 

Describe the packaging.

The packaging has expanded and changed over the last 5 years since the first launch. However, every design of the product kept a professional theme and style. The colour of the product has a constant blue
and purple colour scheme. This showed the synergy between 2 of the products (Oreo and Cadbury). The current design of the product is a very simplistic view. This was useful as it shows formality and informality to it audiences. In other words, audiences are drawn to pick up this product and eager to take a bite of it. 

An example of an old advertisement campaign.

Analyse the advert.

Description of packaging.

The packaging itself contains a simple colourful scheme: purple and blue. This is helpful for audiences as they can see the overall brands that are joint together. The packaging also contains two main ingredients that will make audiences chose because it is tasty and is not too powerful. 


The slogan states "Twice the joy". This means that there are two elements that means that there is more flavour inside the chocolate. Therefore, this also shows that customers are more attracted to this chocolate as this product has more to offer.  

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

This product can be for every day. This is because it has ingredients that are simple and enjoyable for all customers. Moreover, this can lead to customers buying more of it. Also, this product has two main elements that bring the whole chocolate together. 

Potential Target Audience?

In my opinion this chocolate is for everyone. This is because it is a simple but elegant chocolate that isn't too luxurious for customers. This should be highly recommended to everyone as the ingredients are very tasty and basic. 

What ideas might you use to keep the brand consistency?  

To keep the brand consistency, I might use the ending scene of the advert. This is because it keeps a simple and attractive ending to the story of the advert. That is one thing I will keep consistent. Everything else in the advert is going to be changed. The reason for this is that everything I have in mind for recreating the advert is completely different from the original advert. 

Changes that I have made in my final adverts

When I was in the production stage of my adverts, I had numerous problems in making my TV adverts. The video below shows the changes I had t...